

VICTORIA VISA 维多利亚州担保技术移民是澳大利亚的移民项目之一,主要适用于那些希望移居到维州工作学习、创业和定居的人。申请人首先需要获得维州的提名信(VICTORIAN NOMINATION),然后才能向联邦政府申请正式签证。

Victoria State Visa Victoria state nomination is one of the Australian migration programs that allow people to apply for permanent residence in Australia. It allows migrants to work, study and settle with their families in Victoria. Applicantswill get a letter from Victora Government first before applying to the Australian government for official visas. What Is The Difference Between A Student And A Skilled Nominated Visa? If you want to migrate, it can be difficult to find a job without knowing the language well or having any practical knowledge about how things are done here. This makes many applicants choose a pathway where they can immigrate faster which usually involves going back to finish an existing program that they have already begun overseas.But even these may not guarantee success unless your skills match what Vic wants to promote at this time.

There will come a day when immigration laws change dramatically, making some pathways obsolete while others become more popular than ever.This means students who go through the standard path could eventually lose out on future opportunities because their visa was only valid within specific years. How Do I Qualify For A Victorian State Sponsorship? Some factors considered include academic qualifications, English proficiency and whether candidates hold a current working visa. These requirements are designed around what Victorias needs most right now such as health care workers during pandemics like Covid-19 (2019 coronavirus); IT specialists helping businesses adapt online; teachers who fill the gaps left by retirements among other reasons mentioned above under eligible occupations list provided below by Migration Agency Melbourne based professionals.

What Are The Occupations That May Be Supported By Victoria State Government? As per latest updates released October’20, there are over 65 occupation groups being supported by Victoria State sponsorship! There might be changes after every round so make sure check them carefully! Here's the updated list: • Architects• Arts administrators, musicians & directors • Criminologists*


1. 维多利亚签证是澳大利亚的移民类别,由澳洲政府发放给符合资格的申请人(在澳居住)颁发的永居签证。根据申请者所选择职业的不同,可获得不同的签证期限;

2. 从2019年7月1日起至2020年6月30日止,所有新的独立技术移民申请(485类)将没有工作权限(即无工作offer)!所以想要通过这个签证到澳大利亚学习并工作的同学需要在提交申请前就得到有工作offer,否则被拒签的可能性很大哦~ 除了485签证外,还有其它类型的签证供申请人参考的哦……
