

我是英语专业,现在在外教这一行混了两年多,带过不少外国人。 虽然我不是英语专业八级,但是我的外教经验比大多数的英语专八要丰富,因为我曾经因为口音问题被外教投诉,也曾经因为和外教争论不休而差点被打(我反对一切对外教的尊称,如“先生”,我认为这会让教师产生优越感从而不再用心教授)....所以我在教学中比较注重对学生的尊重,经常把“You are right!”“Of course you can!”挂在嘴边,当然,在课堂中我也会适当“惩罚”不守纪律的学生,但我相信大部分同学还是喜欢和我一起上课的~ 先说说教学流程吧,一般我是这样开始的……

1、自我介绍(My name is …. I am from …. I am …. years old and I am studying at school/ university.)

2、互相认识(Please introduce yourselves to each other. You can say your name, where are you from 和What’s your major.)

3、热身活动(I will do some activities to warm up our class. These activities are designed to practice the language points we are going to learn in this unit.)

4、新单词学习(We will look at new words that relate to what we were just talking about.)

5、课堂练习(How are we going to practise today's new vocabulary? We need some partners so please get together with a pal and then tell me what we are going to be doing in the next few minutes.)

6、课堂小测验(A little test of your knowledge on the topic we have discussed. This could include a worksheet or a quiz question or two. )

7、课后作业(Here is an extra exercise for you to do outside class. The answer key is in the final lesson. Don't forget to hand it back in by the end of the week.)





