L1签证的配偶可以在美国合法工作,而且还可以直接申请H1B工作签证。 但是需要注意的是,在L1签证办理的过程中,配偶是不需要提交任何材料的,所以美国移民局对L1签证持有者身份的认定是只到L1签证持有人本人的,没有涉及到L1签证持有人的家属。因此美国移民局并不会因为L1签证持有人和其家属的存在而改变对该申请者是否满足条件的判断。换言之,如果L1签证申请人不符合申请条件的话,那么其配偶也不具备合法的移民资格,同样也不会获得绿卡。 所以L1签证的申请人在申请的时候,建议只申请自己一个人,这样获批的概率会更大一些;等自己拿到签证之后,再让配偶以个人身份以旅游的方式入境美国,然后再在美国境内申请移民,这样成功的概率就很大了! L-1 visa is an employment based nonimmigrant visa that can be issued to either a foreign national employee of the organization who will be coming temporarily to work in the U.S, or their executive/managerial level employees who are currently operating abroad and would like to transfer to one of its offices located permanently in the United States. The spouse and unmarried children under 21 years old are eligible for L-2 visas as dependent family members, while they may attend school without obtaining a visa.
L-1A Visa: For Managers & Executives Who Work Outside US Organization
This type of visa allows companies to transfer managerial or executive level staff from overseas branches into another branch in America.
The employee must have worked for at least two consecutive years outside the USA within three years prior to filing an application for this visa,and during those last two years he/she has been employed on a full time basis. Also, if more than half his/her work duties were management related(not just administrative)they qualify automatically. If less then half but still sufficient amounts of his work was managerial in nature , it is up to USCIS to decide whether he qualifies through a lengthy adjudication process. In order to qualify, employers should show that transferred employees have “special skills”, i.e. that they possess specialized knowledge regarding how a company operates internationally rather than locally. Additionally, companies need to prove that there is no permanent place in North America where such expertise could be obtained; therefore making it essential to continue transferring workers between countries after the initial phase of expansion has begun. As well, because these people do not directly produce something themselves but