

2013年7月来NZ,当时是5周,2014年8月是6周 2015年9月和12月的签证时间都是8-10周(我是10月初的递交,11月底才有结果) 现在的情况是16年底和17年初申请的学生签证普遍是11周左右,包括很多已经接到录取通知的同学 在移民局网站,对于审理时间的解释是这样的: A decision will be made on yourvisa application as soon as possible. This can be in a few days to several months depending on demand and the complexity of the case. The time taken by immigration officials to process an application varies according to individual circumstances, the volume of applications received, and the level of service requested, for example express processing or no action until after arrival at NZ port of entry (see section 'processing times'). Processing is undertaken in New Zealand and overseas Immigration Service Centres. Overseas applicants are usually advised once their application has been finalised because it may require the consent of a New Zealand government department which takes some time, eg approval from the Department of Corrections if the visa applicant has any criminal history. There may also be delays caused by incomplete documentation or other administrative requirements. If you applied more than six months ago but have not yet heard anything about your application you should contact us so that we can advise you about whether there has been any delay with your case.

这段话基本上说明了两种情况会延长审核时间,一是申请量大时,二是个人材料比较复杂,比如有犯罪史等。 所以不要觉得自己的申请很简单就以为会很快,也不要觉得自己学校排名高或者资金证明足够多就能加快进程,这都不靠谱!

另外,关于是否找中介办理签证的问题,我的建议是,自己有能力做材料的就不要去给中介交这个智商税了。在材料准备上,中介真的能起到的作用其实非常有限,最多就是帮你把格式整理好而已。而真正需要花大功夫准备的那些材料,比如学习计划、学历公证书什么的,这些不是中介能替你写的啊……所以真正在申请过程中需要花时间精力准备的东西其实都是你自己需要解决的~ 但是话又说回来,我只能说自己有没有能力去准备,毕竟我自己也不是DIY党。。。


电子签证审理时间没有具体规定,一般两周左右出结果 需要提醒的是,移民局收到你的申请后会把邮件发到学校邮箱里(学校会帮忙转发),然后你到移民局官网上查询一下状态就行 如果在30天内还不出结果的话建议电话询问下进度 有问题欢迎咨询哦! 发布于 2019-06-17 20:58
