首先,我以一个过来人的身份告诉你,快速签签过的几率不大! 其次,关于如何签过这件事我的答案就是:做好充分的准备和了解以及不要脸! 关于前者我想应该不用过多解释,这里主要说一下后者“不要脸”的重要性吧…… 在面签当天早上你会有一次面试训练,就是在你面签之前有一个大概2-3分钟的时间让你和签证官进行简单的交流。这个时候如果你表现出一副畏畏缩缩、支支吾吾的样子肯定是会被签证官看穿的(除非你有非常完美的英文口语或者你本身就是美国人)所以这个时候你要做的就是尽量放松自己,把自己的真实想法给表达出来,比如你可以这样对签证官说: 1. I really want to come here and have a try on your culture,I am very interested in it because my friend told me that you are all about freedom and independence just like how we see the west movies! And he is also going there for his study soon! So if possible, please give him some advice what kind of student life would be most helpful to him so that he can prepare himself well!
2. My parents live in America and they will always take care of themselves no matter where they go(这句话可以换成其他的,意思就是你出国后你的父母在国内的生活会很好,不用担心之类的话) But at the same time i hope to stay with them as long as possible! If granted visa,i promise to return home every week/month to keep in touch with family! 我觉得这样说完之后签证官就会知道你是一个有家室的人不会长期在美国定居了,同时也会觉得你是一个很孝顺的孩子…… 接下来就是正式面试环节了,这个我就不多说了大家就根据自己的实际情况好好准备就好啦~祝大家都能顺顺利利拿到小绿卡哦~~