

我喜欢变化,喜欢挑战! 雅思考官喜欢问一些比较“奇怪”的问题,来考验考生的应变能力 和词汇量还有思维活跃程度(会不会扯淡)。有时候问题会让你毫无准备,让你惊慌失措。不过如果你临场反应够快的话,很多意外的情况都能迎刃而解。

记得那是我第一次考雅思的时候,本来复习的很好,口语也练习了很多话题。可是到了考场上,考官问我了一个问题就让我顿时懵逼了。 “What is you favorite animal?”,你最喜欢什么动物? 我从来没有想过我会被问到这样的问题,我也没有准备这样的话题。但是我不能不回答啊,于是我绞尽脑汁的想了想我的答案。 “My favorite animal is cats. ”我喜欢的动物是猫。

“Why do you like cats?”你为什么喜欢猫? “Because they are cute;”因为它们可爱呀。 "What do you think of dogs?" 你觉得狗怎么样? (换了一个题目,但是我想答动物相关的所以勉强可以换题吧....)

“I think dogs are useful animals;”我觉得狗是很实用的动物。” “What are the uses of a dog?”(换了一个句子)

“Well, for example,in old days people use to keep guard by night with dogs so that thieves will not steal anything from their houses. And now some people using pets as guides for blind ,” (发挥时间到!!开始瞎编!!)

“Yes,i really want to say that we can communicate with each other better if everyone could be kind and talk to those who are different from his/her. ” (继续跑题!!)

“And you know what,kindness can make all the difference in this world;)” 反正最后我也顺利通过了这一关,拿到了想要的分数。 所以有时候问题没听懂或者不知道怎么回答不要太慌张,你可以尝试换个角度想想看,说不定就能化险为夷。


i prefer to change myself, because firstly, it is difficult to change other people, especially those older than you who are often conservative. so no matter how convinced you are of your opinions,it will be very hard to change their minds。

第二段:so let me illustrate my opinion with an example. there was a time when me and my grandfather quarreled fiercely because i insisted on my opinion that we needed to break the mold to try something new but he totally disagreed with my idea. eventually, i learned a good lesson from that incident and changed myself by considering issues from others’ perspectives。

第三段:lastly, the reason why change yourself occasionally instead of changing others is that it is easier to succeed。 you are the only one in control of our mind and body, so the only man you can convince is yourself,which means it will be easier to change yourself instead of others。
