

The Northernmost suburbs are the former towns and cities of Auckland’s North Shore. 北岸最北的郊区是奥克兰北岸曾经的城镇和城市。 This region includes Bayswater, Beachhaven, Browns Bay, Cascade、 Devonport 和 Takapuna。 这些地区包括贝斯威特(Bayswater)、海夫湾(Beachhaven)、布朗斯湾(Browns Bay)、卡兹德(Cascade)、德文波特(Devonport)和塔卡普努努(Takapuna)。

The next-least-populated is Northcote, followed by Glendowie, MtRoskill, Panmure, Greenhithe 然后是人口最少的北郊,紧随其后的是格伦道威、罗斯基尔德山、潘米尔和格林希特。 Greenhithe is known for its high concentration of Chinese restaurants, many of which have become popular dining options in recent years. 格林希特有非常高的中餐餐厅浓度,很多近年来已成为最受欢迎的餐饮选择。 The Central District 中部区域

Auckland's central business district is home to New Zealand's largest urban population 奥克兰市中心商务区聚居着新西兰最大的都市人群。 It is surrounded by a wide range of housing options including luxury apartments 周围有许多可供选择的住房类型,包括豪华公寓、旧式公寓和小平房。 on both sides of Queen Street. 在皇后街两旁,公寓价格从150万新西兰元到350万新西兰元不等。 In some areas there are also large numbers of state houses. 在一些地区,还有大批的国家住房。

The area south of Queen Street has historically been dominated by low-income residential tenants 皇后街以南的地区历来以低收入住宅住户为主。 and so this part of town attracts more working-class families and young people than the centre. 与市中心相比,这一带更吸引中低收入的工薪族和家庭,以及年轻人。

This is where you will find Ponsonby Road, O'Connell Street and Karangahape Road — with their mix of heritage buildings, modern skyscrapers 这里你可以找到庞森比路、奥康纳大街和卡兰加哈佩路——它们的建筑兼具历史建筑和摩天大楼。 and trendy shops and nightlife venues. 以及时髦的店铺和夜生活场所。

K Road is particularly well know for its clubs and bars, while Ponsonby Road has several hip cafes 卡兰加哈佩路以其夜店而闻名,而庞森比路上则有几家时髦的咖啡馆。 O'Connell Street, meanwhile, contains the city's only five-star hotel, the InterContinental 我们在此可以稍作停留,在街边的咖啡馆里小憩片刻。


北岸(North Shore)是新西兰北岛北岸地区的一个区。它包括奥克兰的北岸,西起怀蒂玛塔港(WaitemataHarbour),东达海湾群岛(Hauraki Gulf)。从奥克兰港以北的皮哈基(Pikukui)开始,西到塔斯曼海的怀赫科港(WhangateauHarbour)尖端结束。北岸在1989年7月与奥克兰合并。奥克兰北岸区域包括有三个主要的亚文化区域:

1、怀蒂玛塔(Waitemata)区域:也称作威尔洛荒地(Willows Wastes),从北岸的中心区一直延伸到福克斯通(FoxyCove),它是由一个工业区和郊区住宅区组成。

2、米尔斯海沃克(Mill's water)区域:北起奥克兰港,从米尔福德(Milford)到河口(Riverhead)的阿尔伯特山(MtAlbany),大部分都是以住宅区为主。

3、加斯珀湾(Gisps Bay)区域:北起奥克兰港,从索恩利湾(ThorneleyBay)到福克斯通(FoxyCove),在加斯珀湾区域有很多旅游景点,著名的有加斯珀湾山(MtGibbs)以及加斯珀湾公园。
