首先,准备材料的时候不要嫌麻烦,什么都要准备好,这会让你后面审核材料的时候省不少功夫呢^_^然后就是各种填表了,填写申请表的时候一定要认真仔细哦,不要犯低级错误啦~ 还有就是在申请表格里要注明你去加拿大的目的、日期等,一定要写的非常详细(这个很重要)比如你可以这样写: I will spend most of my time in Toronto which is the largest city and economic center,and visit Niagara Falls.I have no plans on going out at night or to any bar because i don't drink alcohol,so there are not any risks about overstaying or illegal residence. However if need be ,i can contact with hotel manager for help. Besides ,my family members living in Canada will go pick me up at airport after arrival. And they will provide all necessary money,supports as well as accomodation during my trip. They also agree that their information must be kept confidential by Canadian Embassy and Immigration Department for my safety. Also note: When applying this visa ,we haven't made a reservation yet but we just want to see whether our visas can be granted firstly before making a booking. If it is refused ,then may apply to travel agent who will book accommodation for us according to actual situation. 最后附上邀请函的复印件和酒店预订单 这些资料你都可以放在一个专门的文件夹里面,方便拿取~ 还有就是你在国内无犯罪记录证明,在职证明等材料也要提前准备呦~~~
至于资金证明这一块我也不是太懂诶,我是以留学的方式申请的,当时学校开了一份证明文件说我成绩合格,毕业后可以拿到学位什么的,我就把这份文件也放在了申请材料中一起递交给领馆了。 我觉得啊,签证能不能通过主要是看你的材料是否符合使馆的要求以及你的行程是否合理吧~~只要你有足够的理由和充分的证据能说明你没有移民倾向就好了呀!