1. 点击付款链接,进入页面 2. 再选择您支付款项的银行和地点 3. 最后输入您的个人信息及金额来提交申请。 注:如果系统无法读取或者无法识别护照信息,请仔细核对填写信息,确保准确无误; 如果系统提示错误、异常或者其他情况请查看该网页上的详细说明并按照步骤操作或及时与我们联系(电话:+86(0)10-58591577/88)以便我们进一步协助您。
Visa Application Fees Payment Method Choices: VISA, MasterCard, American Express and JCB credit cards are all accepted for payment of visa application fees in RMB Chinese Yuan. Please note that debit cards (with or without PIN number), cash advances, and business credits will not be accepted to pay the fee. Visa Debit Card is also NOT recognized by our system; Visa Electron is only valid within Europe and Japan so it cannot be used either. The bank account holder must have a valid ICBC card with his name written on it, which has been registered at online banking service center. All personal identification numbers should contain numerals except for last two digits. Applicants can choose one from three types of banks below according to their locations:
4. 付款成功后会显示如下界面: