如果题主已经提交了申请,可以访问英国政府的官方网站,查询自己的签证状态 网站在这里 点击左边“Start here”进入这个网页后,可以看到各种签证的申请途径以及所对应的号码,比如PSW的号码是Tier 4 student,学生监护人的号码是child in UK等 如果申请人不知道自己的号码或者没有在上面的表格中找到自己的签证类型,也可以直接输入个人和申请信息,系统会帮助申请人找到适合的签证类别及号码。需要注意的是,申请人和代理人的邮箱地址必须正确填写(以@gmail.com为例),否则无法收到官方邮件; 成功输入所有信息后,点击“Find my status by case reference number”就可以查看自己的签证审理进度了!
由于每个案件的审理进程不同,所以这里显示的信息可能不太一样。一般案件的状态会被划分为三个步骤: “Your application has been received and is being considered”(你的申请已提交并被受理) “The Immigration Case Officer has made a decision on your application/case (if it is one that they can decide themselves)”或“A Decision Maker will make a final decision about the merits of your appeal or request for review ”(移民官员做出决定) “An officer has reviewed this response to see if there are any additional issues which require further consideration, i.e. does information need to be provided in support of an application before a decision is issued?”(移民局对回复进行二次考虑) 通常来说,如果是旅游、商务签这类较短期的签证,从申请到获批大概需要2-3周的时间; 留学或工作类长期签证则需要更久,至少也要几个月的时间。