

美签的护照上面有两页是签证页,每一张都有签证官的签名和日期。这两页的其中一页被剪下了作为入境材料,那这一张就是DS160表上填的那一张。剩下的一页,就是签证页。 有的同学说为什么我的签证照片不是贴在白色底部的,而是贴着上面的蓝底?


关于Visa Sticker 的各种疑问,请参考: 美签VISA STICKER上的信息都代表什么? 如何解读? Visa stickers can be a little confusing at first glance. It’s important to understand the information on your sticker so you know what to expect and where to go when you get through immigration. There are two main parts of visa: The letter from USCIS (“U” stands for United States Citizenship & Immigration Services) and the Visa Section that tells you which country issued it (in this case, Vietnam). In between those sections is more specific info about who received your petition to come to the U.S., why they were accepted, how long you will be here, etc. This section also has your visa number, entry date, expiration date as well as some other useful codes: A43-Y78 means Application Number 43, Yearly Visa, Issued in October of Year 78 B52-Z88 means Beneficiary Name 52 Xing Zhou Company(Limited by Share Ltd), Issue Date August of Year 88 C9E-A68 Means Consular Officer Code 9 E, Office Six, Station A DFFT-LN5 means Final Action Date July 05, Local Office L, Nationality N (this one is always “N”) Here is an example of a visa stamped into our passport: Notice we have both numbers: Our application # was 43-you can see that right above the USCIS stamp. And since we got a 10 year multiple entry visa, our validity period begins with AA (year after year) and ends BB (year before year) Finally, notice our serial number which is just our visa number (the last six digits). Now let’s look at another type of visa: A Nonimmigrant Visa is for people staying temporarily in the US, such as tourists or business travelers: If I wanted to come to America on vacation next month, my nonimmigrant visa would most likely look like this: The process is much different than an immigrant visa because there are less steps involved. First, I need to fill out the DS Form 160 Application For Immigrant Visa AND Alien Registration Card. Then


就是贴在护照里的一张小纸片,上面有照片,名字,出生日期,护照号码等信息及签证种类(F1/M1)、签证有效期和入境次数等细节信息,以及美国使馆的签名章或美国移民局的签名人。 如果是旅游签证的话,会有美国的旅游签证官在纸上签名盖章然后交给你的。不过这种只是形式上的东西,其实没有什么意义,关键是你在入境的时候有没有被检查到! 我记得自己2013年第一次去美国的时候就是在芝加哥入境时海关官员让我拿出来看了一下这个,当时还觉得好傻!但是后来2014年和老公在一起在美国停留期间再入境时就再也没有看过那个了。




